SFTIONS - 2024
Beams with FTARGET as destination and PB54 as particle type.
Intensity cut-offs: 0.5 - 20 e10 ppp.
Beam Transmission
Showing transmission as follows:
Beam transmission between LEIR and injection: ratio between intensity after injection (PR.DCAFTINJ_1) and intensity in LEIRs ring (ER.BCTDC:EJECTION_INTENSITIES).
Beam transmission between extraction and injection: ratio between intensity before extraction (PR.DCBEFEJE_1) and intensity after injection (PR.DCAFTINJ_1).
Beam transmission in the transfer line: ratio between intensity in the first BCT of the transfer line (F16.BCT.212) and intensity before extraction (PR.DCBEFEJE_1).
Beam transmission normalised with intensity: the same transmissions as per the previous plots divided by intensity before extraction (PR.DCBEFEJE_1).