Beam for the SPS fixed target physics programme

This page displays statistics and information related to the SFTPRO cycle in the SPS; the SFTPRO cycle is used for the slow extracted beam sent to the North Area experiments.Relevant figures of merit are the number of shots to the North Area, the intensity accumulated on the various targets, the 50 Hz content in the spill and the orbit stability in LSS2

Weekly performance: number of NA extractions and accumulated intensity

Below you can find the number of NA extractions as well as the intensity on target per week versus the weekly target.

50 Hz noise amplitude evolution

50 Hz & 100 Hz noise amplitude evolution on the proton fixed target cycle and distribution over the year; the distribution is plotted together with the likelihood. The dashed cross indicates the target beam quality.

Evolution of duty factor

Stability of duty factor of slow extracted beam;

Distrbution of target trajectory quality

Target trajectory stability and quality;

Evolution of losses in LSS2

The evolution of the normalised losses in LSS2.