T8 - 2022

Weekly intensity during 2022

Showing the intensity delivered each week to T8. Dark grey bar shows amount ejected from PS (measured by PR.BCT), light grey shows amount reaching T8 (measured by T8.XSEC070). Also showing IRRAD target of 2.2e16 protons per week and mean weekly intensity. Edge colour of bars shows whether that week passed facility specs.

Cumulative Plot

Showing the intensity delivered each week to T8. Dark grey bar shows amount ejected from PS (measured by PR.BCT), light grey shows amount reaching T8 (measured by T8.XSEC070). Also showing IRRAD target of 2.2e16 protons per week and 2018 everage performance of 1.6E16 protons per week. Edge colour of bars shows whether that week passed facility specs.

Integrated intensity by week

Proton intensity delivered during a given week in 2022 run. Change week using the tabs. N.B: Weeks are defined from 9am Wednesday - 9am Wednesday as per the convention used by IRRAD. Also showing IRRAD target of 2.2e16 protons per week

Protons per second by week

Protons per second delivered to T8 on EAST3 for each week during 2022 run. NB: Weeks are defined from 9am Wednesday - 9am Wednesday as per the convention used by IRRAD. Data from Wednesdays has been removed as IRRAD is frequently in access on Wednesday, making it difficult to establish duty cycle for these days.

Beam integrated intensity

Showing the integrated intensity sent (pulse by pulse)Data comes from the accumulated sum of F61.BCT01:TOTAL_INTENSITY.

Beam intensity

Showing beam intensity after injection (PR.DCAFTINJ_1) and before extraction (PR.DCBEFEJE_2) for beams having EAST_T8 as destination.

Beam MRP at C900

Showing the MRP position at C900(T8, T9, N).

Data comes from the UCAP device 'PS-UCAP-East-mrpC900'.