AD - 2021
Beams with TT2_FTA as destination.
Intensity cut-offs: 500 - 2100 e10 ppp.
Beam Intensity
Showing intensity after injection and before extraction.
Beam horizontal trajectories in TT2
Showing horizontal trajectories in TT2.
Nxcals variable: F16.BPM:POS_H.
Beam vertical trajectories in TT2
Showing vertical trajectories in TT2.
Nxcals variable: F16.BPM:POS_V.
Beam Transmission
Showing transmission as follows:
Beam transmission in the ring: ratio between intensity before extraction and intensity after injection: PR.DCBEFEJE_1:INTENSITY / PR.DCAFTINJ_1:INTENSITY.
Beam transmission in the transfer line: ratio between intensity in the last BCT of the line and intensity before extraction: FTA.BCT9053:INTENSITY / PR.DCBEFEJE_1:INTENSITY.