LHC BCMS 48B - 2024

Beams with LHC or SPS as destination that contain "bcms" and "48b" in their LSA names.

Intensity cut-offs: 300 - 1500 e10 ppp.


Showing intensity after injection and before extraction.


Beam Transmission

Showing transmission as follows:

  • Beam transmission between extraction and injection: ratio between intensity before extraction and intensity after injection: PR.DCBEFEJE_1:INTENSITY / PR.DCAFTINJ_2:INTENSITY.

  • Beam transmission in the transfer line: ratio between intensity in the last BCT of the line and intensity before extraction: F16.BCT.212 / PR.DCBEFEJE_1:INTENSITY.

  • Beam transmission normalised with intensity: the same transmissions as per the previous plots divided by intensity before extraction (PR.DCBEFEJE_1).

Bunch length

Showing the bunch length, with mean and standard deviation, and the intensity per bunch.

Nxcals variables: PS-LOG-BQM-UCAP:Quality:avgBunchLength_ns, PS-LOG-BQM-UCAP:Quality:numberOfBunches,


TT2 trajectories

Showing horizontal trajectories in TT2.

Nxcals variable: BPMALPS_TT_TT2.

Showing vertical trajectories in TT2.

Nxcals variable: BPMALPS_TT_TT2.

Beam cumulative losses

Showing cumulative losses in the cycle.

Nxcals variable: PR.BLM:Acquisition:lossCycleSum.