TOF - 2018
Beams with NTOF as destination.
Intensity cut-offs: 90 - 1000 e10 ppp.
Integrated Intensity
The following plot shows the integrated intensity sent to the nTOF facility from the start of their physics run. The measured data comes from the accumulated sum of FTN.BCT.477:TOTAL_INTENSITY.The prediction curve considers 1x1017 protons on target every day, which is a best-guess based on experience.The limit of protons in the target is calculating considering a flux of 2.2E12 protons/day and an availability of 85%.
Beam Intensity
Showing intensity after injection and before extraction.
Beam horizontal trajectories in TT2
Showing horizontal trajectories in TT2.
Nxcals variable: F16.BPM:POS_H.
Beam vertical trajectories in TT2
Showing vertical trajectories in TT2.
Nxcals variable: F16.BPM:POS_V.
Beam Transmission
Showing transmission as follows:
Beam transmission in the ring: ratio between intensity before extraction (PR.DCBEFEJE_1) and intensity after injection (PR.DCAFTINJ_1).
Beam transmission in the transfer line: ratio between intensity in the last BCT of the line (FTN.BCT.477) and intensity before extraction. Showing data for nominal and parasitic TOF.